Servo Motors:
3D Printed Fingers:
These are the fingers designed and 3D printed and their tiny, but powerful servos. Ten fingers, but I've opted to go for two thumbs - one either side of the hand - because, well, why not.
The 'Brain':
A raspberry pi 8Gb ram.
The 3D Printed Hand:
Assembled Hand:
The 3D Printed and Assembled Upperbody Assembled:
Yes, I was already quite well into building this frame before deciding to take pictures and make the progress blog, but here is the body at the point of that decision
The 3D Printed Solar Panels:
This is mostly a showcase feature as the charge delivered by these solar panels to the battery (for the Raspi) will be quite small, but I though it'd be a quaint feature to add. They'll look luke bee wings and their angle will be controlled with small lower-power servos. I'll probably think about adding a light detector so that the angle is performed automatically (via logic from the Raspi).
The 3D Printed Leg:
The 3D Printed Foot:
Yes, your eyes do not deceive. The feet will have wheels on them to act as a segway. Maybe it'll work.
Feet and Assembly Units:
The 3D Printed Hips:
The 3D Printed Legs and Assembly Units:
The leg servos are powered by their own lipo battery and the lower parts of the legs will be bolted together with shock-absorbers to reduce impact on the servos; the long bolts will act as guides to maintain stability alongside the shock-absorbers.
Legs and Hip Assembled:
The 3D Printed Upper Body Assembled with Arms and Hands:
The 3D Printed Body Assembled:
The 3D Printed Head:
The 3D Printed Head Assembled:
Completed Robot Assembly:
Replaced Hips:
One of the hip joints broke so I had to reprint with an increased thickness; it feels more sturdy now.
But for now, its just gonna be a torso...
BAATSHEBA(TM) Copyright(C) Marthinus Botha 2024