Select Chatbot

Select the chatbot you would like to engage with and help us train. Please keep in mind, these chatbots are quite simplistic for the purpose of precision and accuracy and respond best to questions or complete sentences regarding a situation or event, i.e. try to avoid simple responses such as 'okay' or 'I don't know', etc.

Normal Chatbot

The 'Normal Chatbot' is the face (so to speak) of Baatsheba and will be predicated on therapy-type and sincere, empathetic responses. Your conversation can help us fine-tune this personality to better approach a meeaningful conversationalist.

Edgy Chatbot (Coming Soon...)

The 'Edgy Chatbot' is the more humorous, playful and potentially offensive side of Baatsheba. This will be used to train a more experimental chatbot.